30 weeks


This picture is from 30 weeks… this week’s picture is kind of blurry. 😦

Symptoms: Still just feeling pretty pregnant. 

Cravings: No strong cravings this week.

Our Baby: The doctor said our baby is sassy. She has always avoided the doppler at our appointments. The doctor thought it would be easier now that she’s getting bigger and running out of space. But alas, this little gal still squirms around. It makes it hard to hear the heartbeat for long, but the doctor eventually gets it! 

Next Appointment: Monday 12/23 with the regular OB, Saturday 1/4 with the high risk OB, and sometime in January with the neurologist.

Best part of the week: Realizing that there are specific parts of Lion King that really make baby move!

Making holiday treats with my mom, sister, family friend, and Brian.

Scheduling baby showers.

Making baby registries.

Oh, and buying a CRIB!!! 🙂 Yay!


Sorry this post is short and sweet. I’m having a very emotional pregnant day. As excited as I am for Christmas Break, I know that there is so much to do between now and February. The fact that we only have NINE weeks left just boggles my mind.

I’m having a day where I feel stressed about everything we need to accomplish — doctor’s appointments, baby classes, teaching, speech practice, speech tournaments, preparing the nursery, cleaning the house… the list goes on and on. So, I’m giving myself a day to be emotional. To cry when I need to. I mean come on — it’s a MONDAY! Tomorrow, I’ll put on my happy face and make a list and get stuff done… but for tonight, I’m curling up with a box of tissues and some of the Christmas goodies we made, and just relaxing my overwhelmed heart.